내 맘대로 위클리 뉴스 - 2016년 14주(4월 5일)
Data?, Data!, Data...
Why Airbnb Has a Data Scientist on Every Leadership Team
- Airbnb에서 Data Scientist의 역할을 알 수 있고, 역량에 대해서 생각해 볼 수 있음
- 고객은 데이터를 사용하는 방법에 따라서 달라짐
"That customer will choose the service that's best suited for them, which depends upon the way the competing companies use their data."
- 공부를 위한 공부나 기술을 위한 기술보다는 데이터를 어떻게 '창의적'으로 다룰 수 있는지가 중요
"Recruiting from a wide range of backgrounds has enabled us to scale our team with the company, and the breadth of backgrounds brings a breadth of perspectives, which enhances our creativity."
- 수학 한 스푼, 파이썬 두 스푼, 창의력 많이, 커뮤니케이션 '어이쿠 쏟아버렸네?'
"I think there's a misperception that you have to have a PhD in math or statistics to be a data scientist. That level of technicality is certainly useful, but I think you can go a long way if you understand three things: how data is collected, stored and retrieved; how to manipulate data using analytical tools like R and Python; and how to tease apart correlation and causation. Beyond those basic skills, the divide between good and great data scientists is most visible in their soft skills: communication, creativity, and curiosity. If you have these soft skills and are open to continually learning the technical skills, you'll be able to evolve with the industry."
Python with PY Family
Python Virtual Environments - a Primer
- virtualenv와 virtualenvwrapper 관련해서 차근차근 따라하면서 배울 수 있음
Genomic Data Visualization in Python
- 예제 코드가 잘 작동하기 때문에 훌륭한 튜토리얼임
- 그러나 환경설정이 잘 안되어서 조금 애를 먹었음
Android with Google Family
- Repository Design Pattern
- SQLite을 '잘' 사용하는 방법을 아주 쉽게 설명하고 있음
- 코드가 '분절' 되어있기 때문에 그렇게 쉽진 않음